Saturday, 13 December 2014

Tynan demands action as Mayfield heating fails again

Cllr. Ted Tynan
A district heating system serving more than 200 houses and flats at Glenamoy Lawn and Ardbhaile in Mayfield on Cork’s Northside is giving trouble for a second winter in a row less than two years after a major overhaul was carried out.

Local Workers’ party Councillor, Ted Tynan, said dozens of residents in the local authority built estates are freezing in their homes just as the first sharp frosts of this winter begin to bite. 

Cllr. Tynan had raised the issue at a meeting of Cork City Council last February and had called for a thorough investigation to be carried out into the district heating system which relies on a large central boiler to feed hot water to the individual homes through under-floor piping.

“The system seems to function when demand for heating is average but when cold snaps such as the present one occur the heat doesn’t get to some of the homes leaving the occupants, including both elderly pensioners and families with young children, without any heating or with a bare minimum of heat” said Cllr. Tynan.