Friday, 27 April 2012

Tynan says council is trying to silence him

Workers Party councillor Ted Tynan has accused the pact parties on Cork City Council of stifling debate and trying to silence him and other left wing councillors and prevent them raising important issues such as water metering and cuts in local government funding.

A motion from Cllr. Tynan, rejecting the proposed metering of domestic water supplies and the establishment of a new company, Irish Water, to take over the water supply system, has been referred to the council’s Corporate Policy Group.   This committee will then debate the motion in private and Cllr. Tynan will not be allowed to attend or speak on his own motion.

Cllr. Tynan said that the move was an attempt to gag him and to subvert the democratic process whereby the elected city council carries on its business in public unless it is discussing sensitive issues such as individual citizen’s housing needs.

“The motion I submitted to the council is about the future of the public water supply and opposes plans to impose water charges and privatise the system.  This is a very topical issue of huge public interest and there is no reason why it should be discussed in secret with the proposer, myself, barred from being present for the debate”

The Workers’ Party councillor said he would be challenging the decision at next Monday night’s meeting of the City Council and would also be calling for the suspension of Standing Orders to have the motion debated at the public council meeting.