Monday, 8 June 2009

Thank You!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the people of the North East Ward for expressing their confidence in me by electing me to Cork City Council as a Workers' Party councillor.

There are very many people to whom I am grateful for their help and support during the local elections.

As a local councillor for the North East Ward I promise to do my very best on behalf of the people who elected me and indeed all the citizens of the area.

All my election posters were removed by the deadline on last Friday, 13th June. However if our postering team missed any of them I would appreciate if you could give me a call on (086) 1908281 and I will see to it that the offending poster is removed immediately.

Should you wish to contact me concerning any issue please do not hesitate to contact me at the numbers given below or by e-mail to

Once again, sincere thanks

Councillor Ted Tynan