Monday, 9 February 2015

Cllr. Ted Tynan condemns arrest of Paul Murphy TD and other anti-water charge activists

Cork Workers’ Party councillor Ted Tynan has condemned the arrest of Socialist Party deputy Paul Murphy and a number of other citizens in Dublin in relation to last November’s protest against Tánaiste and Labour Party leader Joan Burton, describing the arrests as a political act aimed at intimidating the anti-water charges campaign as a whole.

Cllr. Tynan said that the arrests were in sharp contrast to the state’s failure to jail the bankers and property speculators who had destroyed the Irish economy and  driven a large section of the population into deep  and long-term poverty.

The Workers’ Party councillor said that sections of the media, especially newspapers controlled by the Denis O’Brien group, had deliberately whipped up a frenzy of hate and gross exaggeration against those engaged in protest against the Troika’s water charges.  “Having failed to damage the anti-water charges campaign with a torrent of abuse and lies, the state is now seeking to intimidate people engaged in legitimate protest.  I predict now that this intimidation will not only fail but it will massively backfire against the government”, said Cllr. Tynan