Friday, 6 June 2014

Workers Party will oppose rejigged pact

Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has said that under no circumstances will he support any nominee of a pro-austerity party for the position of Lord Mayor of Cork

Councillor Ted Tynan - always opposed pacts

Cllr. Tynan said that he was shocked to discover his name was being bandied about as part of a deal on the mayoralty.   This was absolutely untrue, he stated.  He said somebody was spinning stories to suit their own agenda and there was no question of the Workers’ Party’s single vote on the City Council going to elect right-wing parties.  “It would go against everything we stand for”, he said.

“The Workers Party, out of courtesy, met with all the groups on the City council who had asked to meet us.  We agreed no deal with anyone and made it clear that our anti-pact position of the past three decades had not changed and would not change.  Our opposition to water charges and privatisation of council services is not going to change”  

“I am most disappointed that Sinn Féin, having being elected on an anti-cuts platform, is to re-build the mayoral pact which was torn asunder by the voters of this city three weeks ago.  It does not matter whether it is elected under the D’Hondt system or any other, this is a reincarnation of the old pact, with Sinn Féin and a few independents taking the place of the Labour Party.  I wish to make it absolutely clear that the Workers’ Party is not part of the Independent group and will oppose tonight’s nomination of the pact’s candidate”.