Saturday, 4 September 2010

Government has abandoned another generation of Irish men and women

Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has said that the Fianna Fáil / Green Party had decided to abandon another generation of young Irish people to the dead end of emigration and mass unemployment in order to save corrupt banking institutions and Fianna Fáil’s friends in big business.

Cllr. Tynan was speaking at the AGM of the party in the Cork Region in the city, saying that the unprecedented economic growth of the 1990s had been squandered and was now being poured into a black hole created by the greed of bankers and speculators.

“The Irish state as we know it is now approaching 100 years in existence. In that time it has relied heavily on emigration as a safety valve because of the abject failure of the native capitalist class to create jobs. Hundreds of thousands of bright young Irish men and women had to take the boat to Britain, the United States or further afield to find work.

The lofty ideals of ‘cherishing all of the children of the nation’ have remained just that – unachieved pipe dreams”, said Cllr. Tynan. “We have already seen tens of billions of Euro poured down the drain to keep the basket-case bank that is Anglo Irish afloat and many more billions into the other banks. Meanwhile thousands are once again emigrating while the number of unemployed approaches half a million"

"At the same time", said Cllr. Tynan, "we have more hospitals closing or under threat – including the Orthopaedic, the Mercy, Bantry General, Mallow and Cobh in this county alone. What kind of nation saves banks that are rotten and allows citizens who are ill to suffer and perhaps die for want of treatment? Certainly not a democracy and that is why at the next election the present government parties must be thrown from power, not just for a term in opposition, but forever".